Culinary Team
Sister Maria Goodlett Sister Christma Patterson Sister Lavern Patterson Mother Magnolia Howard Mother Pauletta Jones
To provide meals for various events as scheduled, including annual days, funerals, and fellowship services, to plan menus, purchasing and preparing the food, setup of dining area, serving food, and cleanup of dining and kitchen areas, to provide culinary food service in a Christ-centered manner and in accordance with the guidelines established by the New Christ Temple Church.
Deacon/Deaconess Ministry
Deaconess Rosetta Carter
To be totally committed and ready to follow the instructions and leadership of the Pastor To assist the Deacon Ministry as needed in carrying out their duties To serve as a role model of service to the congregation
Deaf Ministry
Sister Yvonne Berry
To share the Gospel with the Deaf To Interpret the preaching of the Gospel, services, and church functions Train hearing congregants, focusing on church auxiliaries, in sign language presentations (i.e. children’s choir). This auxiliary is being developed
Evangelism/Outreach Ministry
Sister Dawn Walters Sister Tylisa Jones Sister Christma Patterson Sister Lenzie Armour
Lead: District Elder James E. Coats
Witnesses for Christ by going door to door in the community Provides outreach services such as clothing give-a-ways, food give-a-ways, and all evangelism efforts Raise awareness of the surrounding community about the programs and services at the church Follow-up with visitors to assess worship experience at the church and to maintain their contact with the ministry
Foreign Mission Ministry
Minister Ola Thurman
Provide financial support to those called to serve in foreign missionary work (building churches, schools, and other outreach ministries) Support foreign mission projects financially of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World and other projects approved by the pastor Ensure on-going programming and offerings to support foreign mission projects
Managerial/Administrative Team
Sister Yvonne Berry Deaconess Rosetta Carter Sister Tylisa Jones Sister Dawn Walters
To oversee the financial, operational, and administrative aspects of the church To confirm if the church is financially capable of carrying out the mission of the church To provide summary of financial contributions to congregants
Media Ministry
First Lady Bettie Coats Sister Yvonne Berry Sister Tylisa Jones
The Ministry seeks to enhance the worship experience of the congregation by providing quality video and audio services during worship services and other Ministry events. This Ministry is not fully developed To support the taping, editing, and broadcasting of services on available public access stations
Men’s Ministry (Brotherhood Department)
Brother Gary Goodlett, Sr. Brother Anthony Smith
Help men reinforce their commitment to Christ, church and family Motivate men to model Christ at home, at work, and in the community Encourage men to participate in the support of the ministry at the New Christ Temple Church Help men to be more aware of their God-given talents and gifts This auxiliary is being developed
Ministerial Alliance
Minister Ola Thurman Minister Pauletta Jones
To assist in the development of the ministers, missionaries, and teachers in the congregation To support and carry out the mission and vision of the Church as directed by the pastor To model behavior and Christian principles to the general congregation
Missionary/ Women Auxiliary
First Lady Bettie Coats
Dedicate to the service of the church vision set forth by the pastor
Support the Prayer Partner Project, initiated by the First Lady Support the annual outreach efforts: Thanksgiving Baskets, Annual Days, community cut reach efforts (i.e. clothing give-a-way, neighborhood canvassing) Motivate women to develop their God-given talents and gifts in the kingdom of God
Mother’s Board Auxiliary
Mother Magnolia Howard Mother Pauletta Jones
Inspire younger believers through encouraging, educating, and modeling lives and behaviors by mature, experienced and aged women
Model the life of prayer for the pastor, his family, congregation, community, and those in need of natural and spiritual development Communicate with Christian love to the young people and others by using life experiences to build the Kingdom of God Plan and execute the annual Mothers’ Board Annual Day program for the congregation, fellow churches, and the community
Music Ministry
Sister Maria Goodlett Sister Christma Patterson Minister Ola Thurman Brother Gary Goodlett, Jr.
To enhance the spirituality and edify the entire church body through ministering music that will glorify God
To meet the spiritual needs of the church and community through the medium of music To glorify God and to usher in the presence of the Lord during the worship service through music provided by the Adult Choir, Youth Choir, Inspirations of Joy (Children’s Choir), Mass Choir, Brotherhood Choir, and Praise and Worship Team
Sunday School Auxiliary
Sister Latisa Reives Sister Dawn Walters
Educate the church members and visitors in an structured, planned, and motivating method by trained and engaging teachers during the Sunday-School hour
Encourage students to model the principles learned in Sunday School in their every day lives Ensure that children, youth, and adults are actively engaged by the Sunday School Department leadership
Ushers' Ministry
Sister Maria Goodlett
Greet those entering the sanctuary with a warm, polite behavior Assist in maintaining order in the worship service Be an usher that is always pleasing to God Be committed and dedicated to the vision of the Pastor
Youth Ministry
Minister Ola Thurman Sister Brandie Thurman Sister Christma Patterson
Increase the level of commitment of children and youth in the congregation, Involve every person under the age of 20 in the New Christ Temple Church, Improve the planning, programming, and implementation of services involving children, youth, and young adults